Snow. I think it's probably the topic of pretty much everyone's conversation at the moment isn't it, it's all about the white stuff. Pembrokeshire was host to a fair blanket...

I love to walk and naturally Jed does too, which of course doesn't change when it snows. Carew Castle looked stunning as we walked last Sunday morning.
Does your dog do that? Catch whopping great big snowballs? Jed is terrible. He takes it in whole then shakes is head as the icy clumps slide down and settle in his belly. You've got to laugh.

Jed absolutely loves the snow. For a V.I.P (very important pet) that's getting on a little you would never think that he was a day over 5. His Spaniel eagerness and Collie energy create a cracking, youthful mix. His black, white and spotty outfit looks even prettier against a snowy white back drop.

It is in snowy circumstances such as these that you come to realise that a more intense training regime would have come in handy when he was a puppy. It is my fault entirely that Jed has a habit of pulling whilst he is on the lead, which mixed with slushy snow and clumps of ice creates a wholesome recipe for unfortunate disaster. I really did struggle taking him for 'tats' on the lead, as in all honesty I could have quite easily came crashing down and kissed the pavement several times over. There was me taking step by little, careful step and Jed charging forward slipping and sliding like Bambi. No fear that's the trouble!
Mum was quite right though. Whilst I was giggling at Jed being a twit, Mum offered a sensible head in saying that a nasty slip or slide for Jed could potentially be extremely dangerous for him too at his mature age, let alone me. I hadn't really thought of it like that. I just saw him having the time of his life, rolling around in the crunch and catching snowballs that it just didn't occurred to me. 

Does your dog do that? Catch whopping great big snowballs? Jed is terrible. He takes it in whole then shakes is head as the icy clumps slide down and settle in his belly. You've got to laugh.
The majority of the snow has disappeared in Pembrokeshire now and turned into rain. You may be lucky in spotting the odd patch of white every now and then hidden in the hedge, but I think our spell has reluctantly come to an end.
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